Launching in 3... 2... 1...

Your 75-minute consultation will start with a comprehensive assessment to help discover what is causing your problem, help define an effective treatment model and provide you a successful plan of action to attain your functional goals.

initial consultation
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Still unsure about what you might need or how we can help?
Submit a Discovery Session and we’ll assess your situation!

Kassandra Jordan

Clinical Coordinator

Originally from Montreal, Canada, Kassandra moved to Phoenix in 2020. With an extensive background in sales, marketing, and customer service, she has had a successful career focused on environmentally friendly products. Kassandra excels in coordinating treatment plans, managing patient schedules, and ensuring seamless operations in and out of the clinic. Her exceptional organizational skills, attention to detail, and compassionate nature make her an invaluable asset to the Launch team. With a commitment to providing personalized care and fostering positive patient outcomes, Kassandra strives to make a lasting impact in growing our community.

Kassandra believes being part of a team focused on providing optimal service and positive outcomes is the key to success. During her free time, she volunteers for several organizations and helps feed those less fortunate. She also enjoys playing cards with her neighbors, reading, and spending time on the golf course with her husband and her dog.

Meet the other team members