Launching in 3... 2... 1...

Your 75-minute consultation will start with a comprehensive assessment to help discover what is causing your problem, help define an effective treatment model and provide you a successful plan of action to attain your functional goals.

initial consultation
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Submit a Discovery Session and we’ll assess your situation!

Kerry Chu

Student Doctor of Physical Therapy

Meet Kerry Chu, a dedicated student physical therapist ready to make a positive impact in the world of healthcare.  

Kerry is currently pursuing her doctorate in Physical Therapy at South College - Knoxville. She is driven by an unyielding desire to help individuals regain their mobility and independence.  

With enthusiasm, compassion, and hard work, Kerry is thrilled to have the opportunity to immerse herself in the dynamic world of patient care, gain valuable hands-on experience, and embark on this next step in her journey with the Launch team. From observing seasoned professionals to actively engaging with patients, she is eager to contribute to their well-being while learning from the best in the field.  

When she is not engrossed in the world of PT, you can find her exploring the great outdoors, discovering local coffee shops and eateries, listening to live music, or lifting heavy weights to maintain a healthy mind-body balance.

Meet the other team members